Elvira Manero Richard

Elvira Manero Richard
University of Murcia

Elvira Manero Richard is an Associate Professor at the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics at the University of Murcia. She has carried out her research and teaching both at this university (2008-present), at the University of Navarra (1998-2003) and at the Catholic University of San Antonio in Murcia (2003-2008). She specialises in metalanguage and the analysis of Spanish phraseology from a pragmatic-discursive perspective. Among her scientific publications stands out Perspectivas lingüísticas sobre el refrán. El refranero metalingüístico del español (Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 2011). Furthermore, she participated in the project “Género, humor e identidad: desarrollo, consolidación y aplicabilidad de mecanismos lingüísticos en español” (GENHUMID) FFI2015-64540-C2-1-P (MINECO-FEDER, UE) and is currently part of the research team of the project “El humor interaccional en español. Géneros orales, escritos y tecnológicos” (HUMORACTION) PID2019-107265GB-I00 (MICIN, AEI) from the GRIALE research group.