Francisco Yus Ramos

Francisco Yus Ramos
University of Alicante

Francisco Yus is a Professor at the Department of English Philology of the University of Alicante and Visiting Professor at Fujian Normal University (Fuzhou, China). He specialises in the application of pragmatics (especially Relevance Theory) to mass discourse and aspects of communication, on which he has published numerous articles and books (on Relevance Theory: Cooperación y relevancia.  Dos aproximaciones pragmáticas a la interpretación, 1997 and a 2nd updated edition in 2003). His latest research has also been on the applying relevance to aspects of communication such as misunderstanding and irony, and the production and interpretation of humorous discourse (Humour and Relevance, John Benjamins, 2016). Francisco Yus is also editor of the journal Internet Pragmatics ( He has participated in the projects “Género, humor e identidad: desarrollo, consolidación y aplicabilidad de mecanismos lingüísticos en español” (GENHUMID) FFI2015-64540-C2-1-P (MINECO-FEDER, UE) and “Humor de género: observatorio de la identidad de mujeres y hombres a través del humor” (GRIALE OBSERVA) PROMETEO/2016/052. He is currently involved in the projects “El humor interaccional en español. Géneros orales, escritos y tecnológicos” (HUMORACTION) PID2019-107265GB-I00 (MICIN, AEI) and “Etiquetaje pragmático para un observatorio de la identidad de mujeres y hombres a través del humor. La plataforma” (OBSERVAHUMOR.COM) PROMETEO/2021/079, from the GRIALE research group.