:: Grupo GRIALE (2011): ¿Estás de broma? 20 actividades para practicar la ironía en clase de ELE. Madrid, Edinumen.
:: Ruiz Gurillo, L. y X. A. Padilla García (eds.) (2009). Dime cómo ironizas y te diré quién eres. Una aproximación pragmática a la ironía. Frankfurt, Peter Lang.
:: Ruiz Gurillo, L. (2006): Hechos pragmáticos del español. Alicante, Universidad de Alicante, Servicio de Publicaciones (ISBN: 84-7908-901-6).
:: Ruiz-Gurillo, L. (en prensa): “Parody as evaluation: about a television sketch in Spanish”, ELUA.
:: Ruiz-Gurillo, L. (en prensa): “El monólogo humorístico como tipo de discurso. El dinamismo de los rasgos primarios”. Cuadernos AISPI.
:: Ruiz Gurillo, L. (en prensa): “Eva Hache y El Club de la Comedia: del guión monológico al registro dialógico”, Revista Onomázein.
:: Ruiz Gurillo, L. (2010): “Para una aproximación neogriceana a la ironía en español”, REL. Revista Española de Lingüística, 40, 2, págs. 95-124.
:: Ruiz Gurillo, L. (2010): “Interrelaciones entre fraseología y gramaticalización en español”, Revista de Filología Española. LX, 1º, págs. 173-194.
:: Ruiz Gurillo, L. (en prensa): “Apuntando maneras: el papel de la fraseología en el humor”. En Inés Olza y Elvira Manero Richard (eds.): Fraseopragmática. Berlín. Frank & Timme, colección Romanistik.
:: Ruiz Gurillo, L. (2013): “El registro de Buenafuente: del guión al monólogo dramatizado” en A. Pamies Bertrán (ed.): De lingüística, traducción y lexico fraseología. Homenaje a Juan de Dios Luque Durán. Granada, Comares Interlingua, 111, págs. 143-156.
:: Ruiz Gurillo, L. (2011): “¡Vaya nochecita!”, grupo GRIALE: ¿Estás de broma? 20 actividades para practicar la ironía en clase de ELE. Madrid, Edinumen, págs. 41-45.
:: RUIZ GURILLO, L. (2013): “Discurso monológico o dialógico? Los monólogos de El Club de la Comedia”. XLII Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística. Madrid, 22-25 de enero de 2013.
:: RUIZ GURILLO, L. (2012): “La adecuación del registro en el monólogo humorístico: el caso de El Club de la Comedia“, Coloquio Internacional DIA II: Les variations diasystémiques et leurs interdépendances. Copenhague (Dinamarca), 19-21 de noviembre de 2012.
:: RUIZ GURILLO, L. (2012): “El humor y la ironía como hechos pragmáticos del español”. Máster Universitario de Estudios Hispánicos Superiores. Universidad de Sevilla. Abril 2012. Duración de la docencia: 4 horas.
:: RUIZ GURILLO, L. (2012): “El humor como hecho pragmático del español”. Conferencia impartida en el Seminario Permanente de Filología Española. 22 de octubre de 2012. Universidad Jaume I de Castellón.
:: RUIZ GURILLO, L. (2012): “Acerca del sketch televisivo como forma de humor en español”, XLI Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística. Valencia, 31 de enero-3 de febrero de 2012
:: Ruiz Gurillo, L. (2009):”Reseña de M. Albelda. La intensificación como categoría pragmática”, Spanish in Context, 6: 2, págs. 308-312.
:: Attardo, Salvatore and Brown, Steve. Understanding Language Structure, Interaction, and Variation. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 2005. (second edition, 440 p.)
:: Attardo, Salvatore. Humorous Texts: A semantic and pragmatic analysis. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. 2001. (238 p.)
:: Attardo, Salvatore, Brown, Steve, and Cynthia Vigliotti. Quiz Booklet to accompany Understanding Language Structure, Interaction, and Variation. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 2001. (62 p.)
:: Attardo, Salvatore and Brown, Steve. Understanding Language Structure, Interaction, and Variation. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 2000. (411p.)
:: Attardo, Salvatore. Linguistic Theories of Humor, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1994. (426 p.)
:: Salvatore Attardo, Manuela Wagner and Eduardo Urios-Aparisi. Pragmatics and Cognition special issue. 2011.
:: Attardo, Salvatore and Diana Popa. New Approaches to the Linguistics of Humor. Editura Academica. Galati, Rumenia. 2007. 229 pp.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. The Pragmatics of Humor, Special issue of Journal of Pragmatics. 35:9. 2003. 1287-1449. (Guest edited).
:: Salvatore Attardo and Jean-Charles Chabanne Humor Research East of the Atlantic, Special Issue of HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 5:1, 1992. (Guest-edited)
:: Attardo, Salvatore, Lucy Pickering and Amanda Baker, Prosodic and Multimodal Markers of Humor in Conversation. Pragmatics and Cognition. 2011. (Forth.)
:: Attardo, Salvatore and Lucy Pickering. “Timing in the performance of jokes.” HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research. 2011. 24:2. 233-250.
:: Attardo, Salvatore and Hempelmann, Christian and “Resolutions and their incongruities: further thoughts on logical mechanisms.” HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research. 2011. 24:2.
:: Attardo, Salvatore and Bell, Nancy. Failed humor: Issues in non-native speakers’ appreciation and understanding of humor. Intercultural Pragmatics. 2010. 7-3. 423-447.
:: Attardo, Salvatore and Duhamel, Denise. Introduction: Humor in contemporary American poetry. HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research. 2009. 22:3. 281-284.
:: Attardo, Salvatore, Marcella Corduas, and Alyson Eggleston “The Distribution of Humour in Literary Texts is not Random: a statistical analysis.” Language and Literature. 2008. 17:3. 253-270. [Reprinted in Yu Dongmin (ed.) Stylistics: Past, Present and Future. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2010. 89-112.]
:: Attardo, Salvatore, Eisterhold, Jodi and Diana Boxer. “Reactions to irony in discourse: Evidence for the Least Disruption Principle” Journal of Pragmatics. 38:8, 2006. 1239-1256.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Preface” HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research, 17:4. 2004. 351-352. (special issue: Festschrift for Victor Raskin).
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “The Myth of Unintentional Humor.” In Vladimir Karasik, Gennady Slyshkin (eds.), Aksiologicheskaya Linguistika: Igrovoe i Komicheskoe v Yazyke. Volgograd, 2003. 4-14. [in Russian]
:: Attardo, Salvatore, Jodi Eisterhold, Jennifer Hay, and Isabella Poggi “Multimodal markers of irony and sarcasm.” HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research, 16:2. 243-260. 2003.
:: Attardo, Salvatore “Introduction: the pragmatics of humor.” Journal of Pragmatics 35: 9. 2003. 1287-1294.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Translation and humor: a GTVH-based approach.” The Translator. 8:2 2002. 173-194. (Special issue “Humour and Translation”).
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Stylistic markers of ‘serious relief’ in Wilde’s Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime.” Stylistika. X. 2001. 19-31.
:: Attardo, Salvatore, “Intentionality and irony”, in L. Ruiz Gurillo y B. Alvarado (eds.): Irony and Humor: From Pragmatics to Discourse. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2013, 39-57.
:: Attardo, Salvatore, Smiling, Laughter, and Humor. In Paolo Santangelo (ed.). Emotions behind Smiles and Laughter: from facial expression to literary descriptions. Leiden: Brill. (Forth.)
:: Attardo, Salvatore, Rejoinder to Atonopoulou and Nikiforidou. In: Geert Brône & Jeroen Vandaele (eds.), Cognitive Poetics: Goals, Gains & Gaps. To appear in the series ‘Applications of Cognitive Linguistics (ACL). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
:: Attardo, Salvatore, “Humorous Metaphors.” In Geert Brône, Kurt Feyaerts & Tony Veale (eds.). Cognitive Linguistics meets Humor Research. Current trends and new developments. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. (Forth.)
:: Attardo, Salvatore and Hamrick, Phillip. A Prototype Approach to Auxiliary Selection in the Italian Passato Prossimo. In: Sabine De Knop, Frank Boers, and Antoon De Rycker (eds.) Fostering Language Teaching Efficiency through Cognitive Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. 2010. 277-291.
:: Attardo, Salvatore, Taylor, Julia M. , Victor Raskin, Christian Hempelmann. An unintentional inference and ontological property defaults. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Istanbul, Turkey, 10-13 October 2010. IEEE. 2010. 3333-3339.
:: Attardo, Salvatore, N. M. Sirakov, S. Suh, , 2010, “Automatic Object Identification Using Visual Low Level Feature Extraction And Ontological Knowledge”, Proc of Society for Design and Process Science-SDPS, Dallas, Texas, June 6-11, 2010, pp.1-9.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. The state of the art in the prosody of humor. In Rosario Caballero Rodriguez and Maria Jesus Pinar Sanz. (eds.) Ways and Modes of Human Communication. Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha: Cuenca. 2010. 25-44.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. Salience of Incongruities in Humorous Texts and Their Resolution. In Elzbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska and Grzegorz Szpila (eds.) In Search of (Non)Sense, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. 164-178.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Humour” in Louise Cummins (ed.) The Pragmatics Encyclopedia. 2009. 199-201.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “On the definition of non-co-operation.” Bruce Fraser and Ken Turner (Eds.) Language in Life and a life in language: Jacob Mey – A Festschrift. Studies in Pragmatics. 6. Emerald: New Milford, CT. 2009. 1-7.
:: Attardo, Salvatore, Pickering, Lucy, Marcella Corduas, Jodi Eisterhold, Brenna Seifried, Alyson Eggleston, “Prosodic Markers of Saliency in Humorous Narratives” Discourse Processes. 2009. 46. 517-540.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Generative Semantics” In Chris Routledge and Siobhan Champan (eds.) Key Ideas in Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 2009. 78-79.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Cognitivism” In Chris Routledge and Siobhan Champan (eds.) Key Ideas in Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 2009. 21-24.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “A Primer for The Linguistics of Humor” In Victor Raskin (ed.). A Primer for Humor Research. Berlin: Mouton. 2009. 101-155.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. Semantics and pragmatics of humor. Language and Linguistics Compass, 2:6. 2008. 1203-1215.
:: Attardo, Salvatore, Carla Canestrari. “Humorous syntony as a metacommunicative language game,” in Gestalt Theory. An International Multidisciplinary Journal. 2008. 30. 337-347.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Fiction and Deception: How Cooperative is Literature?” In Kepa Korta and Joana Garmendia (eds.). Meanings, Intentions, and Argumentation. Stanford: CSLI. 2008. 41-60.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Pragmatic universals and intercultural communication: joking and teasing.” Essen: LAUD 2006. Series A: General and Theoretical Papers. Paper no. 642. 1-14.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Irony.” Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Keith Brown (Ed.) Elsevier. 2005.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Grice, H. Paul” Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Philipp Strazny (Ed.) Macmillan. 2005
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Irony.” Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Philipp Strazny (Ed.) Macmillan. 2005.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “The Role of Affordances at the Semantics/Pragmatics Boundary” In Bruno G. Bara, Lawrence Barsalou and Monica Bucciarelli (eds.) Proceedings of the CogSci 2005. XXVII Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 2005. 169-174.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Humour studies and narrative.” In David Herman, Manfred Jahn, and Marie-Laure Ryan (eds.), The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. 2005. 225-226.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “La teoria generale del comico verbale.” Kos. Rivista di medicina, cultura, e scienze umane. 2005. 235. 50-53.
:: Attardo, Salvatore and Steven Brown. 2004. “What’s the use of linguistics?” Pre-Service English Teachers’ Beliefs toward Language Use and Variation. In Nat Bartels (ed.) Applied Linguistics in Language Teacher Education. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 91-102.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Derrida and Saussure.” Working Papers in Linguistics. Northeastern Illinois University. 3. 2004. 41-53.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “On the Nature of Rationality in (Neo-Gricean) Pragmatics.” International Journal of Pragmatics. 14. 2003. 3-20. (Special issue on Neo-Gricean pragmatics, edited by Ken Turner)
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Semiotics and Pragmatics of Humor Communication.” Special issue of BABEL Aspectos de Filoloxia Inglesa e Alemana. Aspectos Lingüísticos y Literarios do Humor. 2002. 25-66. [Reprinted in Olga Leontovich (ed.) Communication Studies 2003: Modern Anthology. Volgograd: Peremena, 2003. 209-252.]
:: Attardo, Salvatore, Christian Hempelmann and Sara Di Maio. “Script oppositions and logical mechanisms: Modeling incongruities and their resolutions” HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research, 15:1. 3-46. 2002.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “The Analysis of Humourous Texts” in Szilvia Csabi and Judit Zerkowitz (eds.) Proceedings of the 21st PALA Conference Textual Secrets: The Message of the Medium. April 12-15, 2001. Budapest: School of English and American Studies. Eötvös Loránd University. 2002. 79-83.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Cognitive Stylistics of Humorous Texts.” In Elena Semino and Jonathan Culpeper (eds.) Cognitive Stylistics: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2002. 231-250.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Formalizing Humor Theory.” In Oliviero Stock, Carlo Strapparava and Anton Nijholt (eds.) TWLT 20. The April Fools’ Day Workshop on Computational Humor. Enchede, University of Twente. 2002. 1-9.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “L’analyse des textes humoristiques.” Mongi Madini (ed.) Deux mille ans de rire. Permanence et modernité. Besançon: Presses Universitaires Franc-Comtoises. 2002. 273-280.
:: Attardo, Salvatore. “Humor, Irony and their Communication: from mode adoption to failure of detection.” In Luigi Anolli, Rita Ciceri, Giuseppe Riva (eds) Say not to Say: New perspectives on miscommunication. Amsterdam: IOS Press. 2002. 159-179.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier Spanish Idioms in Practice: Understanding Language and Culture. London and New York: Routledge, 2013 (pp. xvi + 212, ISBN: 978-0-415-53392-8) (with Yolanda Pérez Sinusía and Marianne David).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ¡A debate! Estrategias para la interacción oral (Nivel C). Madrid: Edelsa, 2013 (pp. 172, ISBN: 978-84-7711-797-1).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ¡A debate! Guía metodológica para el profesor. Madrid: Edelsa, 2013 (pp. 144, ISBN: 978-84-7711-769-8) (with Elisa Gironzetti and Yolanda Pérez Sinusía).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier The Limits of Literary Translation: Expanding Frontiers in Iberian Languages. Kassel: Reichenberger, 2012 (pp. xvi + 370, ISBN: 978-3-937734-97-2) (with Catarina Fouto, Laura Soler-González and Tyler Fisher).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier Defining and Re-Defining Diaspora: From Theory to Reality. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2011 (pp. xxiv + 273, ISBN: 978-1-84888-064-1) (with Marianne David).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier Developing Writing Skills in Spanish. London and New York: Routledge, 2011 (pp. xii + 372, ISBN: 978-0-415-59083-9) www.developingwritingskills.com(with Yolanda Pérez Sinusía and Marianne David).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Consolidar el dominio de la lengua oral en los niveles C1-C2,’ Revista New Routes, 51, Disal: Brasil (2013): 44-47. (with Elisa Gironzetti and Yolanda Pérez Sinusía).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Cromatismo y percepción sensorial: nuevos indicios sobre la técnica compositiva de la novela Aurade Carlos Fuentes,’ Ars & Humanitas, 6.2, University of Ljubljana, (2012): 49-62
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Learning from the Past: The Legacy of Medieval Iberia for 21st Century Education,’ Teoría de la Educación: Educación y Cultura en la Sociedad de la Información, 13.1, Universidad de Salamanca (2012): 334-367. (with Marianne David).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Los grafiti in tabula como método de comunicación: autoría, espacio y destinatario,’ Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, 65.2, CSIC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (2010): 389-426.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Más allá de la dicotomía del sic et non: inventio, dispositio y elocutio en el Libro de buen amor,’Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 87.4 (2010): 397-413.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Siempre hay algo dentro de uno que nadie conoce. Lectura analítica de Ensayo de un crimen (1955)’Hybrido, The City University of New York, X.9 (2007): 67-72.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Caperucita en Manhattan: una invitación a la lectura,’ Revista Materiales, Consejería de Educación de la Embajada de España en Estados Unidos y Canadá 10 (2006): 36-41.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Topografía e hipotiposis: dos tipos de rebeldía descriptiva con un propósito conjunto en Nada de Carmen Laforet,’ Neophilologus, Universiteit vam Amsterdam 89.2 (2005): 235-248. Article Weblink
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Learning through Humor: Using Humorous Resources in the Teaching of Foreign Languages,’ The Bulletin, (2005): 42-46.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘The Sound of Humor: Linguistic and Semantic Constraints in the Translation of Phonological Jokes,’SKY: Journal of Linguistics, University of Helsinki, 16 (2003): 239-246. (with Pawel Adrjan).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘La recreación del género gótico a través de la percepción sensorial: la construcción de la hipotiposis en Aura de Carlos Fuentes,’ Atenea, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez, 23.2 (2003): Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘The Sound of Humor: Linguistic and Semantic Constraints in the Translation of Phonological Jokes,’SKY: Journal of Linguistics, University of Helsinki, 16 (2003): 239-246. (with Pawel Adrjan).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘La funcionalidad de la adopción discursiva en La Celestina: de Melibea a Melilithbea,’ Celestinesca, Universidad de Valencia, 27 (2003): 107-124.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Phonological Jokes,’ in The Encyclopaedia of Humor Studies, ed. Salvatore Attardo. (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, forthcoming 2014).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier (2013): “Phonological Humor as Perception and Representation of Foreignness”, in Irony and Humor: From Pragmatics to Discourse, eds. Leonor Ruiz Gurillo and Belén Alvarado Ortega. (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2013): 159-188. (with Pawel Adrjan and Marianne David).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘On the Interrelationship between Sound and Meaning,’ in Con/Texts of Persuasion, ed. Beatriz Penas Ibáñez (Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2011): 179-192.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Defining and Re-Defining Diaspora: An Unstable Concept,’ in Defining and Re-Defining Diaspora: From Theory to Reality. (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2011): xii-xxiv. (with Marianne David).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘The Sarajevo Haggadah: A Cultural Metaphor for Diaspora Studies,’ in Defining and Re-Defining Diaspora: From Theory to Reality. (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2011): 251-270. (with Marianne David).
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Translating Sound-Based Humor in Carol Weston’s With Love from Spain, Melanie Martin: A Practical Case Study,’ in New Trends in Muñoz Basols, Javier Translation and Cultural Identity, eds. Micaela Muñoz-Calvo, Carmen Buesa Gómez and M. Ángeles Ruiz-Moneva (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008): 249-266.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘La mirada del dandi desde el discurso hegemónico: reflexiones sobre la representación del género en la obra de Lucio Victorio Mansilla,’ Atenea. Special issue on Men and Masculinities, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez, 28.1 (2008): 9-22.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Creative Learning Strategies in Spanish: Exploiting the Ludic Aspect of Language,’ Recipes for Success in Foreign Language Teaching, Munich: Lincom Europa, (2007): 100-103.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Mnemonic Devices for Learning Spanish Tenses in a Playful Way,’ Recipes for Success in Foreign Language Teaching, Munich: Lincom Europa, (2007): 149-152.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘La crítica literaria: ¿Realidad crítica o escepticismo literario?’ Hybrido, The City University of New York, VIII.8 (2006): 36-38.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Aprendiendo de los errores con la abuela Dolores: el error como herramienta didáctica en el aula de ELE,’ Actas del Primer Congreso Internacional de FIAPE, RedELE, Toledo 20-23 marzo de 2005.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Asserting Christianity through Literature in Medieval Spain: the Jewish-Christian Struggle in Los Milagros de Nuestra Señora,’ Proceedings of the Northeast Regional Conference on Christianity and Literature, Farmingdale State University of New York. Farmingdale, New York, 18 octubre 2003 (2004): 1-4.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘An Error a Day Keeps the Teacher Away’: Developing Error Awareness and Error Correction as Learning Strategies in the Spanish Classroom, The Bulletin, (2004): 31-36.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘¡Mal venga a tal padre que tal faze a fijo!’ La agresión corporal como representación alegórica de la fe cristiana en Los Milagros de Nuestra Señora, Atenea. Special issue on Violence and Aggression, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez, 24.1 (2004): 45-55.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Sangre, tambores y vudú: convergencia del prólogo y la narración como alegoría de lo real maravilloso en El reino de este mundo,’ Céfiro, Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University. 3.2 (2003): 44-53.
:: Muñoz Basols, Javier ‘Tipografía y representación metatextual en algunas composiciones de Miguel Labordeta,’ Hybrido, The City University of New York, VI.6 (2002-2004): 79-85.
:: Laura Alba (2014): “Reseña de Irony and Humor: From Pragmatics to Discourse“. En Sociocultural Pragmatics. Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 139–144
:: Jorge Fernández Jaén (2014): “Reseña de Irony and Humor: From Pragmatics to Discourse”. En Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana, número 1, volumen 23, pp. 218-223.
:: Jorge Fernández Jaén (en prensa): “Review of Irony and Humor: From Pragmatics to Discourse”. En European Journal of Humor
:: Michelson, Bruce (2015): “The Year´s Work in American Humor Studies, 2013”. In tudies in American Humor, 1, 1. Penn University Press
:: Stanca Mada (2014): “Reseña de Irony and Humor: From Pragmatics to Discourse”. En Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasow, Series, IV, vol.7 (56).
:: Razvan Saftoiu (2014): “Reseña de Irony and Humor: From Pragmatics to Discourse”. En Language and Dialogue, Volume 4:2, pp. 334-338.
:: Li Chengtuan (2015): Intercultural Pragmatics, 12.4, Ed. De Gruyter, pp. 577-582, DOI: 10.1515/ip-2015-0028.