Thesis and research works

Thesis in progress

Title: Profiles of heritage language learners in the Costa Blanca region, Spain.
Studying for a doctorate: Maria Belyakova
University: University of Alicante
Thesis director Larissa Timofeeva Timofeev

Title: La variable de género en relación con el desarrollo de la competencia fraseológica en el síndrome de Asperger (The gender variable in relation to developing phraseological competence in Asperger´s syndrome.
Studying for a doctorate: Alicia Merino González
University: University of Alicante
Thesis director Larissa Timofeeva Timofeev

Title: El choque cultural a través del malentendido y el humor en español (Culture shock by means of misunderstandings and Spanish humour).
Studying for a doctorate: Ana Belén Castelló
University: University of Alicante
Thesis director Leonor Ruiz Gurillo

Title: Estudio contrastivo del subjuntivo español con el francés y análisis de errores en la adquisición del modo subjuntivo en los estudiantes francófonos de E/LE: caso de la Universidad de Versalles (Contrastive study of the subjunctive in Spanish with French and analysis of errors in the acquisition of the subjunctive mood in French-speaking students of  Spanish: the University of Versailles)
Studying for a doctorate: Baudelaire Dida Nopogwo
University: University of Alicante
Thesis director Carmen Marimón Llorca

Title: Motivación y mindset en los videojuegos educativos de español como LE/L2: aplicación y propuesta de videojuego de rol (RPG) con el uso de las TIC
(Motivation and mindset in Spanish educational video games such as for L2/learners of Spanish as a foreign language: application and proposals for role-play video games(RPG) using ITC)
Studying for a doctorate: Joan Pomata
University: University of Alicante
Thesis director Carmen Marimón Llorca


Directed thesis

Title: La construcción de la identidad de género a través del discurso humorístico planificado(Gender identity construction by planned humorous discourse).
Date for defence: 05/02/2020
Doctor: Esther Linares Bernabéu
University: University of Alicante
Director of thesis: Leonor Ruiz Gurillo
Mark obtained: Outstanding cum laude by unanimity

Title: Análisis lingüístico del humor: estrategias humorísticas en la comedia de situación (Linguistic analysis of humour: humour strategies in situation comedy
Date of the  defence: 29/01/2020
Doctor: Laura Aliaga Aguza
University: University of Alicante
Director of thesis: Leonor Ruiz Gurillo and Maria Belén Alvarado Ortega
Mark obtained: Outstanding cum laude by majority

Title: Verb tenses in colloquial Spanish: the imperfect.
Date of the defence: 08/06/2018
Doctor: Carolin Kohln
University: University of Alicante/University of Paderborn (Germany).
Director of thesis: Leonor Ruiz Gurillo Codirected with Jutta Langenbacher-Liebgott
Mark obtained: Cum laude

Title: Análisis crítico del discurso legislativo educativo en el Estado español desde una perspectiva queer (Critical analysis of educational  discourse and legislation in the Spanish State from a queer perspective.
Defence date: September 2018
Doctor: José Javier Moreno Sánchez
University: University of Alicante
Director of thesis: Carmen Marimón Llorca

Title: Influencia de las propiedades de la l1 y del nivel de competencia en la adquisición de la concordancia de género: una comparación entre estudiantes francófonos y anglófonos de español l2 (Influence of  L1 properties and competence level in the acquisition of gender agreement: a comparison between French and English-speaking Students of Spanish).
Reading date: 12/07/2017
University: University of Alicante
Director of thesis: Carmen Marimón Llorca Codirector: Aguero Bautista, Calixto

Title: Análisis de expresión escrita de los estudiantes chinos en su aprendizaje de ele basado en la teoría de género: actualidad y futuro (Analysis of the written expression of Chinese students in learning Spanish based on the gender theory: present and future)
Reading date: 19/12/2016
Doctor: Li, Hui
University: University of Alicante
Director of thesis: Carmen Marimón Llorca. Codirector: MARTINEZ LIROLA, MARIA

Title: Análisis discursivo de los titulares de prensa sobre la inmigración marroquí (Discursive analysis of headlines in the press on Moroccan immigration)(2007-2013)
Reading date: 24/05/2016
Doctor: Chaoudri, Iman
University: University of Alicante
Director of thesis: Carmen Marimón Llorca

Date of defence: 11/12/2015
Doctor: Nuria Merchán Aravid
University: University of Alicante
Director of thesis: Susana Rodríguez Rosique

Title: La metáfora como mecanismo de valoración: aproximación al estudio de las estrategias lingüísticas de expresión de la actitud en la interacción oral (The metaphor as an evaluation mechanism: approximation to studying linguistic strategies for expressing attitude in oral interaction
Reading date: 21/11/2014
Doctor: Vela Bermejo, Juan
University: University of Alicante
Director of thesis: Carmen Marimón Llorca

Title: La fraseología del desacuerdo: los esquemas fraseológicos en español y en italiano ( The phraseology of disagreement: phraseological schema in Spanish and Italian)
Date of defence: 19/04/2012
Doctor: Giovanna Angela Mura
University: Complutense
Director of thesis: Leonor Ruiz Gurillo Codirected with María Teresa Zurdo
Mark obtained: Outstanding cum laude by unanimity

Date of defence: 21/04/2008
Doctor: Larissa Timofeeva Timofeev
University: University of Alicante
Director of thesis: Leonor Ruiz Gurillo
Mark obtained: Outstanding cum laude by unanimity

Date of defence: 28/01/2008
Doctor: Alvarado Ortega, Maria Belén
University: University of Alicante
Director of thesis: Leonor Ruiz Gurillo
Mark obtained: Outstanding cum laude by majority


End of Master´s works


  1. Aguilar Menárguez, Ángel Belén “Análisis lingüístico y pragmático del humor verbal en los anuncios publicitarios de televisión” (“Linguistic analysis and verbal humour pragmatics in television advertising)- Academic year 2015-16. Mark obtained: NT. Dir. J. J. Martínez Egido.
  2. Aguilar, Ángel. Análisis lingüístico y pragmático del humor verbal en los anuncios publicitarios de televisión (Linguistic analysis and verbal humour pragmatics in television advertising Academic year), 2015-16. 7 (NT). Dir. J.J. Martínez Egido.
  3. Andrés Oliver, Marta: “Los marcadores epistémicos como atenuadores lingüísticos en el discurso parlamentario español” (“Epistemic markers as linguistic attenuation in parliamentary Spanish discourse). University Masters in English and Spanish for specific purposes Academic year, 2015-2016. Dir. R. Lavale Ortiz.
  4. Azzi, Rafika: “El estudio de los elementos deícticos en los artículos turísticos” (“The study of deictic expressions in tourism articles). Academic year 2016-2015. Mark obtained 9.5 Dir. Mº B. Alvarado.
  5. Belyakova, Maria: “L1 interference in abstracts in geology written by Russian native speakers”. Academic year, 2016-2017. Mark obtained: 10 Dir: L. Timofeeva Timofeev.
  6. Cano Mulero, Marta. “Terminología en la lengua del fútbol: constatación y análisis en las retransmisiones futbolísticas” (“Terminology in football language and analysis of football broadcasting”) academic year 2015-16. Mark obtained: SB. Dir. J. J. Martínez Egido.
  7. Castillo Casanova, Ana “La enseñanza del humor en un contexto intercultural” (“Teaching humour in an intercultural context”). Academic year, 2014-15. 7,5 (NO) Dir: L. Ruiz Gurillo.
  8. Díaz García, Sarah “Un acercamiento al uso del componente afectivo a través del humor en ELE” (“An approach to the use of the affective component by means of humour in learning Spanish as a foreign language”) Academic year, 2011-12. 9 (SOB). Dir. L. Ruiz Gurillo
  9. Genovese, Marika: “Análisis lingüístico contrastivo español-italiano en textos jurídicos” (A contrastive analysis of Spanish-Italian in legal texts. Academic year, 2016-2017. Dir. R. Lavale Ortiz.
  10. Gómez Sánchez, Álvaro José “El lenguaje administrativo en el aula de ELE y de Español para los negocios (“Administrative language in the Spanish as a foreign language classroom and for business. Current status and proposals”). Academic year, 2015-16. Mark obtained: NT. Dir. J. J. Martínez Egido.
  11. Hernández Rollán, Beatriz “La calificación de la expresión escrita digital y manuscrita: Un caso de estudio” (“Describing digital writing and manuscripts: a case study”). Academic year, 2015-16. Mark obtained: SB. Dir. J. J. Martínez Egido.
  12. Kucharska, Joanna Maria: “La comunicación médico-paciente: claves discursivas” (Doctor-patient communication: keys to discourse). Academic year, 2015-2016. Mark obtained: 9 Dir: L. Timofeeva Timofeev.
  13. Lidia Sáez Leal, Lidia: “Evolución de la Web como recurso para el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera: análisis y comparación de Webquest 1.0 y 2.0” (“Evolution of the worldwide web as a resource for learning a foreign language: analysis and comparison of Webquest 1.0 and 2.0″). Academic year, 2015-2016. Dir. R. Lavale Ortiz.
  14. Linares Bernabéu, Esther “La competencia metapragmática del humor y su aplicación al español como L2/LE” (“Metapragmatic pragmatism and its use in Spanish as L2/Spanish as a foreign language”). Academic year, 2016-17.10. (MH) Dir. L. Ruiz Gurillo.
  15. Magaz, Tatiana: “Glosario de términos profesionales de turismo y su traducción al inglés” (“Glossary of professional tourism terms and translating them into English”). Academic year, 2016-2017. Mark obtained: 6.5. Dir. Mº B. Alvarado.
  16. Marta Varea Gascón, Marta: “El lenguaje figurado en el síndrome de Asperger: fraseología, metáforas y actos de habla indirectos” (“Figurative language in Asperger´s syndrome: phraseology, metaphors and indirect speech “). Academic year, 2015-2016. Mark obtained: 9. Dir. L. Timofeeva Timofeev.
  17. Molnar, Joseph: “Análisis y aplicación del adjetivo en textos turísticos enfocado a la enseñanza de ELE”/” (“Analysis and using adjectives in tourism texts focused on teaching Spanish as a foreign language”). Academic year, 2015-2016. Mark obtained 6.5 Dir: Mº B. Alvarado.
  18. Rodríguez Pastor, César: “El texto narrativo humorístico: un modelo de enseñanza para E/LE” (” The humorous narrative text: a teaching model for learners of Spanish as a foreign language”). Academic year, 2012-13. 10 (SOB). Dir. L. Ruiz Gurillo
  19. Sánchez Motos, Ana Belén: “La enseñanza del humor en la clase de ELE”(“Teaching humour in the Spanish as a foreign language class”). Academic year, 2013-14. 9 (SOB). Dir. L. Ruiz Gurillo.
  20. Sellés Medina, Ignacio “Análisis de necesidades en la competencia humorística de estudiantes de ELE” (“Analysis of needs in the humour competence for students of Spanish as a foreign language”). Academic year, 2016-17. 8.5 (NT). L. Ruiz Gurillo.
  21. Vasilenko, Anastasia: “Español e inglés como segundas lenguas, lenguas extranjeras para rusohablantes” (“Spanish and English as second languages and foreign languages for Russian speakers”). Academic year, 2017-2018.Dir: L. Timofeeva Timofeev.
  22. Viñals, Julia: “Lenguas de herencia”(“Inherited languages”). Academic year, 2017-2018. Dir. L. Timofeeva Timofeev.
  23. Zago, Cristina: “Las fórmulas rutinarias en los blogs de viajes de mujeres” (“Stock phrases in travel blogs for women”). Academic year, 2016-2017. Mark obtained: 9. Dir. Mº B. Alvarado.
  24. Zamora Esquiva, Mº José “El uso del humor en ele: importancia y beneficios de su tratamiento en el aula. perspectiva del alumno” (” The use of humour in the Spanish as a foreign language class: importance and benefits of tackling this in the classroom, the student perspective”). Academic year, 2012-13. 7 (NOT). Dir. L. Ruiz Gurillo.