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Humour and language in RNE

On 3rd of January 2021 professor Leonor Ruiz Gurillo participated in the RNE programme No es un día cualquiera (It´s no ordinary day), in the section coordinated by Estrella Montolío TODO ES LENGUAJE (EVERYTHING IS LANGUAGE). In the interview (in Spanish) she talks about humour and language in this interview:

Male chauvinism and sexist humour

On the day for abolishing gender violence (25th of November 2020??) professor Esther Linares Bernabéu was interviewed by Fátima Elidrissi for The Objective as an expert on humour and gender. In this interview (in Spanish) she explains how sexism is perpetuated by means of humour and how feminist humour can subvert stereotypes:

GRIALE in Órbita Laika

On 16th of November 2020 professor Larissa Timofeeva Timofeev participated in the programme Órbita Laika on La2, in order to talk about how children acquire humour or the mechanisms used in humour. You can watch it here (in Spanish):