II International Conference on Verbal Humour at the University of Alicante

II International Conference on Verbal Humour at the University of Alicante

The second edition of the International Conference on Verbal Humour (griale.dfelg.ua.es/cihv2024) concluded on October 18, 2024, held at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts at the University of Alicante from October 16-18. Organized by the Research Group on Irony and Humour in Spanish (GRIALE) and led by Dr. Leonor Ruiz Gurillo and Dr. Esther Linares Bernabéu, the conference brought together over 100 humour linguistics experts from around 20 countries. During three days of presentations, specialists presented and discussed the latest advancements, proposals, and methodologies in verbal humour linguistics research.

Asistentes del CIHV24


High-Level Presentations and Lectures

The conference program included keynote lectures by renowned humour experts such as Geert Brône from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, who spoke on “Humour and Embodied Stance in Interaction”; Béatrice Priego-Valverde from Aix-Marseille University in France, discussing “The Role of Smile in Negotiating Failed Conversational Humour”; and Jan Chovanec from Masaryk University in the Czech Republic, covering “Digital Humour as a Form of Grassroots Political Commentary.” Other leading figures in verbal humour studies, such as Delia Chiaro from the University of Bologna and Helga Kotthoff from the Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, also participated.

Los plenaristas Geert Brône, Béatrice Priego-Valverde y Jan Chovanec

The presentations were organized into panels on topics like “Humour, Multimodality, and Digital Discourses,” “Humour, Language Acquisition, and Teaching,” “Humour and Text Genres,” “Humour and Linguistic Corpora,” “Humour and Interaction,” and “Humour and (Im)politeness.” The program can be consulted here: https://griale.dfelg.ua.es/cihv2024/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Programa-Programme.pdf


Cultural Performance by Patricia Espejo

On October 16, comedian Patricia Espejo performed at the University of Alicante’s Paraninfo theater, closing the first day of the conference with a show full of absurd humour and outrageous scenarios that delighted attendees, providing a perfect balance to the academic aspects of the conference.

Show de Patricia Espejo


GRIALE Group as a Leader in Humour Research

This event, organized by the Research Group on Irony and Humour in Spanish (GRIALE) and the Instituto Interuniversitario de Lenguas Modernas Aplicadas (IULMA), was supported by the Vicerrectorado de Investigación and the Vicerrectorado de Cultura, Deporte y Extensión Universitaria at the University of Alicante. It also had the collaboration of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, the Departamento de Filología Española, Lingüística General y Teoría de la Literatura, and the Instituto Universitario de Investigación de Estudios de Género (IUIEG). Additional support came from the Ayuntamiento de Xixona, the Sede Universitaria de Xixona, Turisme de la Comunitat Valenciana and the Carmencita company.

Comité organizador y voluntarias

The conference also marked the closing of projects PROMETEO/2021/079: “Etiquetaje pragmático para un observatorio de la identidad de mujeres y hombres a través del humor. La plataforma Observahumor.com” (Generalitat Valenciana) and PID2019-104980GB-I00 “El humor interaccional en español. Géneros orales, escritos y tecnológicos” (HUMORACTION) (MCIN/AEI//10.13039/501100011033), both led by Dr. Leonor Ruiz Gurillo. These projects, undertaken by GRIALE, focus on the study of irony and verbal humour in Spanish. The conference provided an opportunity for GRIALE members to showcase their cutting-edge humour research, especially advancements related to the corpora in the OBSERVAHUMOR.COM platform.

La directora del CIHV24, Leonor Ruiz Gurillo, y los secretarios, Anastasia Khaylina y Jose Antonio Ortega Gilabert


Las directoras del CIHV, Esther Linares Bernabéu y Leonor Ruiz Gurillo

El Sr. Decano de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Jose María Ferri Coll, y la Sra. Vicerrectora de Cultura, Deporte y Extensión Universitaria, Catalina Iliescu Gheorghiu, junto a parte del comité organizador del CIHV.

The warm reception, the quality of the research presented, and the high level of scholarly discussions at the II CIHV reinforce GRIALE’s position as a premier leader in verbal humour research.

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