II International Conference on Verbal Humour (#CIHV2024)

II International Conference on Verbal Humour (#CIHV2024)

We enthusiastically announce the II International Congress on Verbal Humour (#CIHV2024), an event organized by GRIALE and supported by the #HUMORACTION and #OBSERVAHUMOR.COM research projects. This conference promises to be a milestone in the study of verbal humour and will take place from October 16 to 18, 2024 at the University of Alicante, Spain.

GRIALE (https://griale.dfelg.ua.es/), national leader in the analysis of irony and verbal humour, heads this event that will bring together high-caliber international researchers. It is a unique opportunity to explore humour from various perspectives.

Featured speakers at #CIHV2024 include Jan Chovanec, Béatrice Priego-Valverde, Geert Brône, Jef Verschueren, Delia Chiaro and Helga Kotthoff.

We inform you that the call to participate in #CIHV2024 is now open. If you have fascinating research on humour, we want to hear from you. Submit your proposal on one of our panels through our form: https://forms.gle/NGaHbnt2dEXHhK3x5

This conference is not only an academic meeting, but a unique opportunity to consolidate research networks and foster new collaborations. For more information and to encourage you to participate as an attendee or speaker, visit: https://griale.dfelg.ua.es/cihv2024/.

We are waiting for you at #CIHV2024!


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