VAL.ES.CO (Valencia, Español Coloquial / Valencia, Colloquial Spanish)
Website of the recently created group Val.Es.Co., from where you can access their different lines of research and the bibliography of the group.
The Grupo de Estudios del Discurso Oral (Oral Discourse Studies Group) (GREDISOR), created in 2018 and funded by the Ministry of Economy such as Red de Excelencia (Excellence Network) (FFI2017-90738-REDT), joins eight research groups on Spanish language whose common purpose is to make an in-depth exploration of knowledge on oral language using linguistic corpuses.
Research group coordinated by Antonio Hidalgo which is dedicated to studying the relationship between phonetics and courtesy (phonopragmatics).
Paradoxa Research group
Paradoxa is an international and inter-disciplinary research group which from a contrastive approach (French-Spanish), studies different means of humour in the press and in contemporary literature.
SEMAÍNEIN research group (Univ. Cádiz)
Director: Dr. Miguel Casas Gómez. This group has a line of research on pragmatics and shades of meaning.
Ci-dit. Groupe de recherche international et interdisciplinarie (International and interdisciplinary research group)
International and interdisciplinary website where there is information on the study of history, theories and discourse practices reproduced.
Groupe de recherche en analyse du discours (Research group for analysing discourse)
From this website you can access a description of the modular approach to discourse proposed by the Geneva School, directed by Hedí Roulet.
TESEO database
It enables access to Spanish doctoral theses written since 1976.
From the Spanish Royal Academy the corpuses of CREA ( Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual/ Reference Corpus for Current Spanish) and CORDE (Corpus Diacrónico del Español/Diacronic Corpus of Spanish) can be accessed, which are made up of a total of 270 million words.
Studies in Communication Sciences
Electronic access to the journal, Studies in Communication Sciences, which compiles a good number of articles about relevance.
ELUA journal
Linguistic Studies at the University of Alicante (Spanish Language). Areas of Spanish Language and General Linguistics