Laura Mª Aliaga Aguza

Doctor in Hispanic Philology

Department of Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and the Theory of Literature
University of Alicante.

Laura Mª Aliaga Aguza is a doctor of Hispanic Philology and an honary collaborator at the Department of Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Theory of Literature at the University of Alicante. Her research focuses on humour in situation comedy, teaching Spanish, phraseology and gender linguistics. Some of her most salient publications have been “La estrategia narrativa como recurso humorístico en la comedia de situación: el caso de Cómo conocí a vuestra madre” (The narrative strategy as a humour resource in situation comedy: the case of “how I met your mother”. ELUA (31), 9-25 (2017) and “Estudio lingüístico de los indicadores del humor. . El caso de la comedia de situación” (“ELUA and a Linguistic study of humour indicators. The case of comedy situations”. Normas: revista de estudios lingüísticos hispánicos, (Journal of Hispanic Linguistic Studies)(1), 129-150 (2018).